
FIBER Fiber is the part of a plant or grain that our body does not absorb. Fiber passes through our body undigested and is removed from our body in our stool. Fiber is a starch. One difference between starchy foods that contain fiber and those that don’t is that...


BEANS Beans are edible plant seeds. The recommended intake of beans is 1.5 cups per week. BENEFITS OF BEANS Beans are a great budget-friendly source of protein. A 1/2 cup of beans has the same amount of protein as 1 oz of meat Beans are affordable and versatile, and...


DIVERTICULITIS WHAT ARE DIVERTICULA? Diverticula are small, bulging pouches that can form in the lining of your digestive system. They are found most often in the lower part of the large intestine (colon). Diverticula themselves are common, especially after age 40,...


CONSTIPATION DEFINITION Constipation is defined as having less than 4 bowel movements per week, or straining to have a bowel movement, or having hard stool that is difficult to pass. Stool should be formed smooth like a sausage. CAUSES –Not getting enough fiber...


CHOLESTEROL Cholesterol is a waxy molecule that is found in food and in our bodies. Our bodies make all the cholesterol we need. Our bodies use cholesterol to make cell membranes, hormones and digestive juices. Unfortunately, cholesterol levels in our body may become...


SOY Soy is short for soybean. Soybeans and soy products are an excellent source of protein. Soybeans can be a replacement for animal protein in meals. Like other beans they are also an excellent source of fiber: 1 cup of edamame has 8 grams of fiber. Soybeans are also...


CHOLESTEROL Cholesterol is a waxy substance that our bodies use to make hormones, to form cell membranes, and to provide other essential functions. However, elevated levels of certain kinds of cholesterol are bad for your heart and overall health status. Here is more...