
DIVERTICULITIS WHAT ARE DIVERTICULA? Diverticula are small, bulging pouches that can form in the lining of your digestive system. They are found most often in the lower part of the large intestine (colon). Diverticula themselves are common, especially after age 40,...


INFLAMMATION Inflammation is a natural and important part of the body protecting itself. However, chronic inflammation can be harmful and can be a component of diseases such as arthritis, psoriasis and heart disease. CAN FOOD AFFECT INFLAMMATION? There are some foods...


AROMATICS —Aromatics are vegetables that deliver rich flavor and aroma when heated or crushed. —Common aromatics are garlic, onions, shallots, chilis, ginger, celery and carrots, and there are others. —Aromatics often provide health benefits, such as antioxidants, as...

No Fad Diets

NEW YEAR’S RESOLUTION: NO FAD DIETS As each New Year begins, advertisements also begin for fad diets promising quick weight loss. However, these quick fixes are likely not sustainable, and may cut out important food groups that we need for our overall health and...


CONSTIPATION DEFINITION Constipation is defined as having less than 4 bowel movements per week, or straining to have a bowel movement, or having hard stool that is difficult to pass. Stool should be formed smooth like a sausage. CAUSES –Not getting enough fiber...

Covid Nutrition

COVID NUTRITION Although there is no cure right now for COVID-19, a healthy immune system may give your body a boost in protection. Focus on nutrient dense foods along with healthy lifestyle behaviors for the best defense. The following nutrients play a vital role in...

How to Make Soup

HOW TO MAKE SOUP Soup season is upon us. Here are tips for making homemade soups, and for learning about fundamental building blocks and key ingredients to enrich a soup’s flavor and texture. Step One: Decide what type of soup you want to make, whether broth-based,...