Mindful Eating

MINDFUL EATING Sometimes we eat mindlessly, for reasons other than true hunger. We may eat when stressed, sad, or bored. Eating mindlessly can cause us to lose touch with our internal signals of hunger and fullness. Because our bodies only need calories from food when...

Better Snacking

BETTER SNACKING A well-timed snack may prevent overeating at the next meal. But sometimes we snack mindlessly, and often when we’re not hungry. That kind of snacking can make weight control difficult. Here are some strategies for smarter snacking. BUY SNACKS IN...

Dining Out Tips

DINING OUT TIPS ORDER A LOW CALORIE APPETIZER TO EAT BEFORE THE MAIN COURSE Try ordering a low calorie appetizer, such as soup or salad, to eat while waiting for the main course. This will also help to reduce your hunger a bit before your food arrives so you can feel...


COCONUT Coconut palms have been called the Tree of Life because of the many products that can be made from them. According to biologists, coconut is classified as a fruit. However, given its nutritional make-up dietitians consider it a fat. In recent years, coconut...