Better Snacking

BETTER SNACKING A well-timed snack may prevent overeating at the next meal. But sometimes we snack mindlessly, and often when we’re not hungry. That kind of snacking can make weight control difficult. Here are some strategies for smarter snacking. BUY SNACKS IN...

The Paleo Diet

THE PALEO DIET The Paleo Diet, sometimes called the Caveman or Paleolithic Diet, is the presumed diet of ancient human hunter-gatherers who lived in the Paleolithic Age before agriculture was developed. The diet consists of a little over 50% of calories from protein,...

Resistant Starch

RESISTANT STARCH WHAT IS IT? Resistant starch is a type of carbohydrate that is resistant to digestion, similar to fiber, and it is also food for the healthy bacteria in your intestines. WHY IS IT GOOD FOR YOU? Since it is resistant to digestion, your blood sugar does...

Dining Out Tips

DINING OUT TIPS ORDER A LOW CALORIE APPETIZER TO EAT BEFORE THE MAIN COURSE Try ordering a low calorie appetizer, such as soup or salad, to eat while waiting for the main course. This will also help to reduce your hunger a bit before your food arrives so you can feel...


ALCOHOL WHAT IS A DRINK? 12 ounce beer, 5 ounce glass of wine, or 1.5 ounce jigger or shot of hard liquor (vodka, gin, rum, or tequila). HOW MUCH TO DRINK? The American Heart Association defines MODERATE DRINKING as 2 drinks per day for men, 1 drink per day for women....

What Is Fiber

WHAT IS FIBER Fiber is the part of a plant or grain that the body does not digest or absorb which allows it to pass through and out of the body in stool. Fiber is part of the carbohydrate (starch) food group. An easy way to tell the difference between starchy foods...