Processed Food

PROCESSED FOOD Processed food refers to any food that has been changed from its original form. Cutting, washing, pasteurizing, dehydrating and packaging are all forms of food processing. Adding preservatives to lengthen the shelf life of a food is also a type of food...

Plant-Based Diets

PLANT-BASED DIETS Plant based diets may have health benefits, such as reducing cholesterol, and the potential to make a positive impact on the environment. TYPES OF PLANT-BASED DIETS 1) Lacto-Ovo-Pescatarian diet includes dairy, eggs and seafood. 2) Lacto-Ovo diet...

Food and Mood

FOOD AND MOOD What we eat can affect our mood. Here are some ways that our food can affect our mood. IMPACT ON OUR DIGESTIVE TRACT The bacteria that live in our digestive tract (our microbiome) influence the production of the neurotransmitters serotonin and dopamine....

Picky Eaters

PICKY EATERS Although some children readily eat a variety of different foods, there are many who are very choosy about what they eat. Here are some tips to make meal-times easier. ENVIRONMENT Providing meals in a supportive, comfortable, emotionally satisfying...


FIBER Fiber is the part of a plant or grain that our body does not absorb. Fiber passes through our body undigested and is removed from our body in our stool. Fiber is a starch. One difference between starchy foods that contain fiber and those that don’t is that...