Mindful Eating

MINDFUL EATING Sometimes we eat mindlessly, for reasons other than true hunger. We may eat when stressed, sad, or bored. Eating mindlessly can cause us to lose touch with our internal signals of hunger and fullness. Because our bodies only need calories from food when...

Healthy Pantry

HOW TO STOCK A HEALHY PANTRY Make sure your pantry is well-equipped to handle any eating situation that might come your way; such as, last-minute dinners, grab-and-go breakfasts, or travel-friendly snacks. Having staple food items handy will help make eating less...


CHOLESTEROL Cholesterol is a waxy substance that our bodies use to make hormones, to form cell membranes, and to provide other essential functions. However, elevated levels of certain kinds of cholesterol are bad for your heart and overall health status. Here is more...


SALT Salt is a mineral made up of sodium and chloride. Sodium is found in every cell of our body. Our body uses sodium to send nerve impulses, make our muscles contract and relax, and maintain water balance in the body. Sodium can cause problems in the body if you eat...

Fats In Our Diet

FATS IN OUR DIET Fats occur naturally in foods and are necessary in our diet. Fats are important for many things, including helping our nerves work and delivering nutrients around our body. However, fats are high in calories and too much fat intake can lead to weight...


SELF-CARE What is self-care? Self-care is defined as “the practice of taking an active role in protecting one’s own well-being and happiness, in particular during periods of stress.” Flight attendants define self-care as: “Put on your oxygen mask first, then...


SNACKING Snacking may be part of a healthy, balanced diet. So you may ask, “What should I eat for a snack”? The answer is what, and how much, to eat for a snack depends on why and how long your body needs to be fueled. First, let’s review the 3 kinds of...

Potassium Power

POTASSIUM POWER WHAT IS POTASSIUM? Potassium is a mineral that your body uses for: Maintaining proper heart and nerve function Enabling your muscles to contract Maintaining a proper amount of fluid in your body Maintaining a proper acid balance in your body Building...


WHAT IS FIBER Fiber is the part of a plant or grain that our body does not absorb when we eat the entire plant or grain. Fiber passes through the body undigested, and exits in our stool. Fiber is part of the carbohydrate (starch) food group. An easy way to tell the...