SIBO WHAT IS SIBO? SIBO means Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth, a condition where there is too much bacteria in the small intestine. RISK FACTORS FOR SIBO Some possible causes of SIBO are: intestinal motility disorders, gastric surgery, injury or structural...

Good Nutrition

GOOD NUTRITION What we eat or don’t eat impacts us both physically and mentally. Optimal nutrition can improve one’s mood, stress level, digestion, and overall health. STRESS Stress can impact appetite, hydration and the how well we digest and absorb...

Mindful Eating

MINDFUL EATING Sometimes we eat mindlessly, for reasons other than true hunger. We may eat when stressed, sad, or bored. Eating mindlessly can cause us to lose touch with our internal signals of hunger and fullness. Because our bodies only need calories from food when...

Better Snacking

BETTER SNACKING A well-timed snack may prevent overeating at the next meal. But sometimes we snack mindlessly, and often when we’re not hungry. That kind of snacking can make weight control difficult. Here are some strategies for smarter snacking. BUY SNACKS IN...